Moving in the Spirit

“Transitioning our humble 28 year old grass roots non profit youth development organization into a beacon of light and destination for dance for Atlanta was the charge Stephen ambitiously took on.  He listened deeply, asked thoughtful questions, came to the shows to see how we worked, sought advice from other artists in the field and was a total delight to work with.  When met with a critical request to make our state of the art lighting booth the example in the region for accessibility, he excelled and blew us all away.  When dialogue became full of emotion especially with fundraising capacity and cutting design to save cost,  he took the time needed to ponder solutions that did not compromise the mission embedded in the form, function, inspiration and art.  Then he came back with brilliant options and said in his humble way, “ together we will find a way.”  But the most important aspect of this artistic collaboration with Stephen Trimble that deeply impacted me still to this day is how swiftly trust was built.  I always felt the mission was in his heart, soul and mind…always.  

Hands down, Stephen is one of the most exceptional architects, artists and collaborators I have ever had the honor to work with.  Atlanta is blessed to have Stephen Trimble as one of our crown jewels.”

-Dana Lupton, Co-Founder, Moving in the Spirit

The name of Moving in the Spirit’s new building is A Space to Soar. This new home is located directly adjacent to the Edgewood/Candler Park MARTA station and provides high-quality dance instruction coupled with performance, leadership and mentor opportunities, allowing youth to realize their highest potential.

I designed this pro-bono project while leading the Social Purpose program at Perkins&Will (Atlanta).

Contractor: Structor Group

Photography: Jonathan Hillyer and JandDImages, LLC

2020 ENR Southeast, Small Project Award of Merit

2022 AIA Georgia, Design Award of Merit




Moving in the Spirit